Venture, Private Equity, Start-ups, Sales

While acting neither as a business broker nor legal counsel, The Gutman Group assists through strategic introductions, oversight, and advice on various M&A and private equity transactions.  As just one example, The Gutman Group was instrumental in securing the sale of the controlling interest in the largest publicly traded Belgian-Polish real estate company. 

In addition to the Belgian-American Friendship Fund (discussed below), The Gutman Group works with a number of start-ups and growth companies, by serving on advisory boards, providing strategic advice and introductions, assisting with investors, financings, and exits, and/or assisting on sales.  Examples of some of the leading start-ups and growth companies include: Zusto (a healthy, low calorie 1 to 1 sugar alternative that threatens to topple both the sugar and chemical substitute markets), Jenda (simultaneously revolutionizing anti-counterfeiting enforcement, direct consumer engagement, and consumer data collection and analysis) and Upright (a multi-award winning innovative wearable that corrects posture designed to address back pain and similar problems associated with faulty posture).  Examples of SMEs for which The Gutman Group provides similar services includes iLumen (offering novel solutions to change the life and performance of solar panels whether in small individual homeowner installations, huge power plant facilities, or everything in between).

The Gutman Group is also affiliated with the Belgian-American Friendship Fund, that provides unprecedented access for Belgians to top, otherwise closed, U.S. venture capital funds, and with a new venture capital fund that aims at co-investing with the leading Silicon Valley funds.

Potential investors, customers, vendors or more interested in any of these companies or in the venture, private equity, start-ups and sales efforts of The Gutman Group should contact The Gutman Group by email at